23. évfolyam 4. szám

XVI Latin American Congress of Pediatrics

November 14-18, 2012, Colombia

Hungarian Pediatric Association

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are delighted to inform you that
the XVI Congreso Latinoamericana de Pediatria (XVI Latin American Congress of Pediatrics),
ALAPE 2012 is due to take place in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia from November 14-18, 2012


This Congress is being held in participation with the Colombian
Society of Pediatrics and will be attended by local and international
pediatricians, nurses, therapists, nutritionists, psychologists,
family physicians and all subspecialties.


Topics will range from neonatology, infectious diseases and vaccines,
adolescent and sport medicine, nutrition and interventions in primary
care and more.

For further information about the ALAPE 2012 Congress, we invite you
to visit the congress website:


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